It's 9 minutes till 2 and all of my children are awake. I want to pull out my hair and say screw this I'm leaving and going to work out but alas, I can't. I love my children I really do, there are just some days that I want to not be here. Felicity, the youngest, is screaming her head off because she is completely over tired which in turn is keeping Tristian, her older brother by 2 minutes, awake. Charlotte, the oldest of them all, and Anastazia aka Stazi, Charlotte's twin and younger by 40ish minutes, are laying on the couch not sleeping just going back and forth. My head is hurting and getting worse and worse with every little kid voice that I hear that is supposed to be quiet during naptime or as I like to refer to it as "let's let mommy regain her sanity time."
We got the older girls new carseat/booster seats. I woke up today aching to get out of the house thinking I can do this I can do this. So after everyone was changed and fed I got them ready to go. Packed up the van (aka mommy-mobile) and headed out to the store. The entire time at the store the girls are running up and down the aisle that we currently are in, dashing around corners making me call after them, and the babies (in their stroller) are throwing paci's out of the stroller and kicking off their expensive shoes (which we have to get due to wide feet, which by the way all of the kids have) so that I'm tripping over them while trying to find seat protectors and organizational doohickies and so forth. Let's just say $601.00 later I'm asking myself what I was thinking bringing out 4 whiney brats (which i can say this because 1. I'm their mother and 2. They woke up whiney today which causes them to act bratty. it's just fact) thinking that their moods would lift and we would get much needed stuff done today.
As I break from writing this and check on the girls They both start screaming since I put them in their rooms because they can't stay cuddled up on the couch. Shocker I know.
I'm too exhausted to do anything now. The house will stay messy, and I'll go veg so that I can maybe recover some energy to be able to go to the gym and work out once the hubby gets home.
Save me? please?