ok let me get my thoughts together before I get to rambling... First off I'll start talking about the idiotic people having kids in the world.
So as you all know I have 2 sets of twins. This, by no means, makes me an expert on parenting or whatever, but I think when it comes to some things (most things) common sense is the dead give away. You may be wondering to what I am referencing, let me explain... Last night, while being back in Rockville getting an adjustment from my chiropractor I decided to go to Germantown get my hair cut and pick up some stuff that I left at Julz house. Well after all of that was done and I was saying goodbye to Julz to head home, there were kids riding there bikes in the street/parking lot, no big deal right? Right, UNLESS THERE IS A CAR COMING! Get out of the street because there is a car coming, DUH! Get you and your bike up on that sidewalk and/or grass and wait till the street is clear again. Let's see who would win in a fight... Car... Kid... Car... Kid... Car... Kid... hmmm I DON'T KNOW *rolls eyes* SO this white trash hick starts yelling at me to mind my own business where I proceed to (yes this was bad on my part) Yell back at her (that was the bad on my part) saying when her kid gets hit by a car she's gonna wish that she didn't tell the adults that were looking out for her childs own safety to get out of the streets, when he's fighting for his life in intensive care or god forbid he doesn't pull through she's gonna wish that there was another concerned parent out there telling the children that a car was coming. To which she continues to yell at me that she told them to get to the side of the street... THE SIDE OF THE STREET??? I'm sorry last time I checked one person doesn't know what the other person is doing behind the wheel of the car, maybe it's a new driver, maybe the driver isn't paying attention, maybe s/he is just a bad driver, point being you don't know what the driver is going to do so the SIDE of the street is NOT good enough... get yourself OFF the street.
I will yell at any kids to stop doing something potentially dangerous because I am a concerned parent that doesn't want to see children hurt. Maybe I should mind my own business and let the survival of the fittest take over... Morons stop breeding we don't need you or your stupid children who play in the street when cars are coming. End Rant!
Moving along... MUSIC! I'm totally in a Music Rut right now. But but but, I heard a new song last night which I'm totally into I'll post the you tube after I post the one song I'm completely obsesed with recently that they are playing on the radio. As you all know I have an eclectic taste for music and I love just about it all. The song I'm obsesed with is The Black Keyes- Howlin for you here it is
The next song is the new (new to me) band that Shelly posted on Facebook about that I checked out and LOVE It's Blue October- X Amount of Words
In other news, Felicity gets her cast off her arm tomorrow. This was her previous cast...This is the cast that's being removed tomorrow...
I dyed my hair rainbow for DC Pride and possible BMore Pride. It was so great to go to pride, it's been so long since I've been a part of the community, 4 to almost 5 years since I've acknowledge that part of my life, the sense of belonging was phenominal. If you didn't know, I'm Bi and I just ended up with a man because that's who came along in my life at the time. Love is love no matter what. Baltimore Pride is this weekend and I so want to go but the closer that it comes the more difficult it seems for me to be able to make it especially with fathers day on Sunday.
Fathers Day... Wish my dad was here so that we could go out and see a movie and hang out together. I miss my mom too. Wish they didn't move to FL. Boo to FL!!!
Well it's 9:13 am now I guess I should actually do something with the kids. Maybe see how hot it is outside and throw them out back LOL I wish they were older so I could trust them to actually stay in the yard by themselves.
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