The Crazies that are the Greens- and me their mom.

A blog about the adventures of being a mom with two sets of twins 20 months apart. Oh yeah, and the randomness that is me - their mom. So welcome, and enjoy the ride.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

not much to say but gonna say it anyways! 8.8 lbs lighter in a week!

Hey everyone that is surfing blogger land! I don't really have much to talk about today... But here it goes!

If you've been following my online journal (aka this) you know that my hubs has taken the week off from work because of my shoulder. Well my shoulder is doing better (still not a 100%) and he went out to play at his soccer game last night. No biggy, or so I thought. As I was cooking dinner, I left the kids to play in the living room with a show on if they so chose to watch it (and I assure you they didn't) my kids were creating mayhem in the dining room!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO all my left over coupons (yes I'm trying to get more into couponing to save money for my lovely twin tornadoes x2) all the clothes strewn on the table, trash everywhere, I about went into a panic cry, but alas I caught my breath got my phone and snapped a pic to send to Craig...

He thinks this is just the greatest thing he has ever done!

At least the Living room as been cleaned and vacuumed now. Working on this disaster later on in the day.

So I started this weight loss stuff last Thursday September 29, 2011, and now that the first week is over, I'm 8.8lbs lighter. I know that my timeline may be a little confusing but the diet doesn't really start on the first couple of days.  Anyways, I'm proud of this. I must continue! I shouldn't really call it a diet because overall it's a lifestyle change this is just the dieting portion of it.

Time to whip something up for lunch and drink some water, I'm parched.

Did  I mention how exciting I got my replacement Dexter disk from netflix!!!!!!!!!! ooooo can't wait to start that!

Till next time!

1 comment:

  1. 8.8 lbs???????!!!!!! That is fantastic!!! Ride this super-high through to the end!!! And give yourself a friggin high-five because losing weight when you have to prepare food for children and a spouse is SOOOO hard!!!
