Please take a moment and go to and click follow! This is my online shop's blog which I'm getting started up while working on setting up everything for my online shop! Any kind of information regarding deals/sales/promos will be kept here along with my fun loving stories dealing with anything shop related!
So please check it out and follow it!
The Crazies that are the Greens- and me their mom.
A blog about the adventures of being a mom with two sets of twins 20 months apart. Oh yeah, and the randomness that is me - their mom. So welcome, and enjoy the ride.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Thursday, October 6, 2011
not much to say but gonna say it anyways! 8.8 lbs lighter in a week!
Hey everyone that is surfing blogger land! I don't really have much to talk about today... But here it goes!
If you've been following my online journal (aka this) you know that my hubs has taken the week off from work because of my shoulder. Well my shoulder is doing better (still not a 100%) and he went out to play at his soccer game last night. No biggy, or so I thought. As I was cooking dinner, I left the kids to play in the living room with a show on if they so chose to watch it (and I assure you they didn't) my kids were creating mayhem in the dining room!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO all my left over coupons (yes I'm trying to get more into couponing to save money for my lovely twin tornadoes x2) all the clothes strewn on the table, trash everywhere, I about went into a panic cry, but alas I caught my breath got my phone and snapped a pic to send to Craig...
If you've been following my online journal (aka this) you know that my hubs has taken the week off from work because of my shoulder. Well my shoulder is doing better (still not a 100%) and he went out to play at his soccer game last night. No biggy, or so I thought. As I was cooking dinner, I left the kids to play in the living room with a show on if they so chose to watch it (and I assure you they didn't) my kids were creating mayhem in the dining room!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO all my left over coupons (yes I'm trying to get more into couponing to save money for my lovely twin tornadoes x2) all the clothes strewn on the table, trash everywhere, I about went into a panic cry, but alas I caught my breath got my phone and snapped a pic to send to Craig...
He thinks this is just the greatest thing he has ever done!
At least the Living room as been cleaned and vacuumed now. Working on this disaster later on in the day.
So I started this weight loss stuff last Thursday September 29, 2011, and now that the first week is over, I'm 8.8lbs lighter. I know that my timeline may be a little confusing but the diet doesn't really start on the first couple of days. Anyways, I'm proud of this. I must continue! I shouldn't really call it a diet because overall it's a lifestyle change this is just the dieting portion of it.
Time to whip something up for lunch and drink some water, I'm parched.
Did I mention how exciting I got my replacement Dexter disk from netflix!!!!!!!!!! ooooo can't wait to start that!
Till next time!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Day 3 of blogging
Ok so here goes...
Day three of blogging trying to keep the groove going... I've lost another 1.5 lbs which is nice... I was really tired this morning but after a 5 hour energy shot and a shower I'm doing a little bit better...
had a couple ounces of chicken, now I'm waiting for my vadallia onion to be finished in the oven so I can make the french onion soup! mouth is watering for it!!!!!!!
I love my kids to death but they are driving my husband up the wall andhe's starting not to feel well which is no bueno.
I have to test this new pattern for my friend which is always exciting so I'm gonna do that now :)
LOL short and sweet till next time
Day three of blogging trying to keep the groove going... I've lost another 1.5 lbs which is nice... I was really tired this morning but after a 5 hour energy shot and a shower I'm doing a little bit better...
had a couple ounces of chicken, now I'm waiting for my vadallia onion to be finished in the oven so I can make the french onion soup! mouth is watering for it!!!!!!!
I love my kids to death but they are driving my husband up the wall andhe's starting not to feel well which is no bueno.
I have to test this new pattern for my friend which is always exciting so I'm gonna do that now :)
LOL short and sweet till next time
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Day two of my journey!
So I woke up today and stepped on the scale and guess what another 1.5lbs. shed. We will see if this is just water weight or if it's truly weight loss. I need to stick with it. I found out yesterday that were were mixed reviews about chewing the sugarfree gum that I was all day yesterday to help get over cravings and so I'm just going to omit it and work on my willpower and control these nasty cravings. I know I'm an emotional eater and a eater out of habit and not out of necesity and this is what I have to work on breaking my eating habits. Only eating my body to fuel it and fueling it with healthy calories instead of garbage. I'm trying to picture everything that I want to eat (out of addiction to fatty/salty/crap food) as garbage, saying it has mold on it or that it has poo on it. Try saying "ew" everytime I see something that isn't healthy for me and then I curse at the TV (at the gym) or the magizine i'm looking at or the resturant for showing/producing such yummy yet icky food.
I love that my hubs is off this week it's giving me extra time to really take stock and try to get back into working out and work on my business.
My shoulder is still messing up. I have a child in my lap who is leaning against my arm while I'm typing and it's just KILLING my shoulder.
Till next time.
I love that my hubs is off this week it's giving me extra time to really take stock and try to get back into working out and work on my business.
My shoulder is still messing up. I have a child in my lap who is leaning against my arm while I'm typing and it's just KILLING my shoulder.
Till next time.
Monday, October 3, 2011
ZOMG WHAT!?!?!?!?!!!
LOL Hey everyone! I know it's been awhile, and I really have no excuse. I fail at blogging LOL BUT I have made a pact with myself that I will type a blog once a day from now to the end of october to try to get me in the habit of writing.
First off I would like to say that I hope everyone is doing well out in blogger-land.
Let's see what all is going on... My folks found a Bunkbed/seperate beds/ futon com bo bed for really cheap made out of solid wood excellent quality and I told then to pounce on it! so we now have one for the kids super excited, and hopefully they can come up for Halloween and bring it but we aren't sure of that yet. Have I mentioned my parents are awesome? Love them.
The kids are doing well. The older are in afternoon Pre-K and doing very well in that. They love school and hate when they have to leave when I come pick them up. The babies are not babies anymore and so that makes me a little sad but I'm super happy that they are becoming more and more selfsufficient. (Baby fever still strikes me at times, yea yea call me crazy I know)
The Hubs is doing well and actually took leave this week due to me having issues with my shoulder, neck, chest, arm and so forth.
Me, well lets see, I've already had my first cold due to the fall season. I have a massive muscle spasm going on in my shoulder and it's spreading to surrounding areas, so I had to go the ER and that was one big Fiasco! At least they gave me a couple days would of relaxers and pain relievers, but I'll need to go to the dr to get more... hopefully... Um, whatelse, oh yeah, I've started this diet program that will help me retrain my body to eat well and burn off this fat. And yes I'll be going through the transformation on here. I don't have a video camera so I can't do the vblogs that people do but oh well... I've lost 2 lbs! that's exciting!
Starting weight 239.8lbs
Todays weight 237lbs
Today is day 4 of the progam. We will see how I do. My goal is to be 135 lbs, by September 24, 2011. Then to have skin removal surgery. I know that some of it will shrink up when I lose weight but due to the dual twin pregnancies the rapid weight gain, loss, and gain then skin is lost some of it's elasticity. And that's to be expected.
I'm asking for all negative people to keep your comments to yourself and I ask for all the positive feedback as you all can give! I have horrible willpower and need all the support I can get! I have talked to my Doctor and I'm ok for doing what I'm doing. The first 30-40 days are gonna be the hardest so please help me along.
Well I'm off to get a new food scale! Everyone have a fantastic day!!!
First off I would like to say that I hope everyone is doing well out in blogger-land.
Let's see what all is going on... My folks found a Bunkbed/seperate beds/ futon com bo bed for really cheap made out of solid wood excellent quality and I told then to pounce on it! so we now have one for the kids super excited, and hopefully they can come up for Halloween and bring it but we aren't sure of that yet. Have I mentioned my parents are awesome? Love them.
The kids are doing well. The older are in afternoon Pre-K and doing very well in that. They love school and hate when they have to leave when I come pick them up. The babies are not babies anymore and so that makes me a little sad but I'm super happy that they are becoming more and more selfsufficient. (Baby fever still strikes me at times, yea yea call me crazy I know)
The Hubs is doing well and actually took leave this week due to me having issues with my shoulder, neck, chest, arm and so forth.
Me, well lets see, I've already had my first cold due to the fall season. I have a massive muscle spasm going on in my shoulder and it's spreading to surrounding areas, so I had to go the ER and that was one big Fiasco! At least they gave me a couple days would of relaxers and pain relievers, but I'll need to go to the dr to get more... hopefully... Um, whatelse, oh yeah, I've started this diet program that will help me retrain my body to eat well and burn off this fat. And yes I'll be going through the transformation on here. I don't have a video camera so I can't do the vblogs that people do but oh well... I've lost 2 lbs! that's exciting!
Starting weight 239.8lbs
Todays weight 237lbs
Today is day 4 of the progam. We will see how I do. My goal is to be 135 lbs, by September 24, 2011. Then to have skin removal surgery. I know that some of it will shrink up when I lose weight but due to the dual twin pregnancies the rapid weight gain, loss, and gain then skin is lost some of it's elasticity. And that's to be expected.
I'm asking for all negative people to keep your comments to yourself and I ask for all the positive feedback as you all can give! I have horrible willpower and need all the support I can get! I have talked to my Doctor and I'm ok for doing what I'm doing. The first 30-40 days are gonna be the hardest so please help me along.
Well I'm off to get a new food scale! Everyone have a fantastic day!!!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
music, ignorance, and stuff
ok let me get my thoughts together before I get to rambling... First off I'll start talking about the idiotic people having kids in the world.
So as you all know I have 2 sets of twins. This, by no means, makes me an expert on parenting or whatever, but I think when it comes to some things (most things) common sense is the dead give away. You may be wondering to what I am referencing, let me explain... Last night, while being back in Rockville getting an adjustment from my chiropractor I decided to go to Germantown get my hair cut and pick up some stuff that I left at Julz house. Well after all of that was done and I was saying goodbye to Julz to head home, there were kids riding there bikes in the street/parking lot, no big deal right? Right, UNLESS THERE IS A CAR COMING! Get out of the street because there is a car coming, DUH! Get you and your bike up on that sidewalk and/or grass and wait till the street is clear again. Let's see who would win in a fight... Car... Kid... Car... Kid... Car... Kid... hmmm I DON'T KNOW *rolls eyes* SO this white trash hick starts yelling at me to mind my own business where I proceed to (yes this was bad on my part) Yell back at her (that was the bad on my part) saying when her kid gets hit by a car she's gonna wish that she didn't tell the adults that were looking out for her childs own safety to get out of the streets, when he's fighting for his life in intensive care or god forbid he doesn't pull through she's gonna wish that there was another concerned parent out there telling the children that a car was coming. To which she continues to yell at me that she told them to get to the side of the street... THE SIDE OF THE STREET??? I'm sorry last time I checked one person doesn't know what the other person is doing behind the wheel of the car, maybe it's a new driver, maybe the driver isn't paying attention, maybe s/he is just a bad driver, point being you don't know what the driver is going to do so the SIDE of the street is NOT good enough... get yourself OFF the street.
I will yell at any kids to stop doing something potentially dangerous because I am a concerned parent that doesn't want to see children hurt. Maybe I should mind my own business and let the survival of the fittest take over... Morons stop breeding we don't need you or your stupid children who play in the street when cars are coming. End Rant!
Moving along... MUSIC! I'm totally in a Music Rut right now. But but but, I heard a new song last night which I'm totally into I'll post the you tube after I post the one song I'm completely obsesed with recently that they are playing on the radio. As you all know I have an eclectic taste for music and I love just about it all. The song I'm obsesed with is The Black Keyes- Howlin for you here it is
The next song is the new (new to me) band that Shelly posted on Facebook about that I checked out and LOVE It's Blue October- X Amount of Words
In other news, Felicity gets her cast off her arm tomorrow. This was her previous cast...This is the cast that's being removed tomorrow...
I dyed my hair rainbow for DC Pride and possible BMore Pride. It was so great to go to pride, it's been so long since I've been a part of the community, 4 to almost 5 years since I've acknowledge that part of my life, the sense of belonging was phenominal. If you didn't know, I'm Bi and I just ended up with a man because that's who came along in my life at the time. Love is love no matter what. Baltimore Pride is this weekend and I so want to go but the closer that it comes the more difficult it seems for me to be able to make it especially with fathers day on Sunday.
Fathers Day... Wish my dad was here so that we could go out and see a movie and hang out together. I miss my mom too. Wish they didn't move to FL. Boo to FL!!!
Well it's 9:13 am now I guess I should actually do something with the kids. Maybe see how hot it is outside and throw them out back LOL I wish they were older so I could trust them to actually stay in the yard by themselves.
So as you all know I have 2 sets of twins. This, by no means, makes me an expert on parenting or whatever, but I think when it comes to some things (most things) common sense is the dead give away. You may be wondering to what I am referencing, let me explain... Last night, while being back in Rockville getting an adjustment from my chiropractor I decided to go to Germantown get my hair cut and pick up some stuff that I left at Julz house. Well after all of that was done and I was saying goodbye to Julz to head home, there were kids riding there bikes in the street/parking lot, no big deal right? Right, UNLESS THERE IS A CAR COMING! Get out of the street because there is a car coming, DUH! Get you and your bike up on that sidewalk and/or grass and wait till the street is clear again. Let's see who would win in a fight... Car... Kid... Car... Kid... Car... Kid... hmmm I DON'T KNOW *rolls eyes* SO this white trash hick starts yelling at me to mind my own business where I proceed to (yes this was bad on my part) Yell back at her (that was the bad on my part) saying when her kid gets hit by a car she's gonna wish that she didn't tell the adults that were looking out for her childs own safety to get out of the streets, when he's fighting for his life in intensive care or god forbid he doesn't pull through she's gonna wish that there was another concerned parent out there telling the children that a car was coming. To which she continues to yell at me that she told them to get to the side of the street... THE SIDE OF THE STREET??? I'm sorry last time I checked one person doesn't know what the other person is doing behind the wheel of the car, maybe it's a new driver, maybe the driver isn't paying attention, maybe s/he is just a bad driver, point being you don't know what the driver is going to do so the SIDE of the street is NOT good enough... get yourself OFF the street.
I will yell at any kids to stop doing something potentially dangerous because I am a concerned parent that doesn't want to see children hurt. Maybe I should mind my own business and let the survival of the fittest take over... Morons stop breeding we don't need you or your stupid children who play in the street when cars are coming. End Rant!
Moving along... MUSIC! I'm totally in a Music Rut right now. But but but, I heard a new song last night which I'm totally into I'll post the you tube after I post the one song I'm completely obsesed with recently that they are playing on the radio. As you all know I have an eclectic taste for music and I love just about it all. The song I'm obsesed with is The Black Keyes- Howlin for you here it is
The next song is the new (new to me) band that Shelly posted on Facebook about that I checked out and LOVE It's Blue October- X Amount of Words
In other news, Felicity gets her cast off her arm tomorrow. This was her previous cast...This is the cast that's being removed tomorrow...
I dyed my hair rainbow for DC Pride and possible BMore Pride. It was so great to go to pride, it's been so long since I've been a part of the community, 4 to almost 5 years since I've acknowledge that part of my life, the sense of belonging was phenominal. If you didn't know, I'm Bi and I just ended up with a man because that's who came along in my life at the time. Love is love no matter what. Baltimore Pride is this weekend and I so want to go but the closer that it comes the more difficult it seems for me to be able to make it especially with fathers day on Sunday.
Fathers Day... Wish my dad was here so that we could go out and see a movie and hang out together. I miss my mom too. Wish they didn't move to FL. Boo to FL!!!
Well it's 9:13 am now I guess I should actually do something with the kids. Maybe see how hot it is outside and throw them out back LOL I wish they were older so I could trust them to actually stay in the yard by themselves.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
everyone and their mom
Looks like everyone is joining the blogging community. Every other post on every social network community is "I've just finished making my blog! Come join me!" Which I'd love to but I barely have the time to read the people I'm currently following let alone finding time to jot down a few words here and there for my own blog. But I shall try to follow eveybody's blogs.
So I laid down for a nap last night, just to ya know, rest my eyes, and my back, and my... well me, End up falling asleep, wake up to see that a friend's hubs is sick so I immediately fall back to sleep as this means no going out to run errands and not to mention, although I'm going to, during my first nap I developed a killer migraine. So errands will be tonight! I do n't know if she will be able to join me but we will see, I hopw so since it's been forever and I'm craving adult interaction.
We are contemplating getting a dog, one just came available that is potty and crate trained which is a ginormous plus since we are potty training and weren't even going to consider a ddog till after potty training since I didn't want to house break a dog also. We will see how it pans out.
Lunch is happening at 11 am today since the kids woke up super early this morning and are driving me bonkers.
So I laid down for a nap last night, just to ya know, rest my eyes, and my back, and my... well me, End up falling asleep, wake up to see that a friend's hubs is sick so I immediately fall back to sleep as this means no going out to run errands and not to mention, although I'm going to, during my first nap I developed a killer migraine. So errands will be tonight! I do n't know if she will be able to join me but we will see, I hopw so since it's been forever and I'm craving adult interaction.
We are contemplating getting a dog, one just came available that is potty and crate trained which is a ginormous plus since we are potty training and weren't even going to consider a ddog till after potty training since I didn't want to house break a dog also. We will see how it pans out.
Lunch is happening at 11 am today since the kids woke up super early this morning and are driving me bonkers.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Memorial weekend
This weekend is memorial weekend, as I hope all of you would know, and since it's a holiday weekend with the holiday falling on a Monday, the husband has a 4 day weekend! So we decided it was time to stop delaying and postponing and procrastinating the potty training for the 3year old twins (almost 4 year olds). I don't have the mentality to deal with all the accidents. I'm glad Craig is a more patient person than I. He's been great with the kids for 99.5% of the time. He's calm and understanding and explains things a lot better than I do. I'm very thankful for him, especially during this time.
I haven't really had a good weekend. I've had a migraine the entire weekend, my patience has been nothing, I've hardly gotten any sleep, and now aunt flow is trying to make her monthly visit. This weekend could be a lot better to say the least. If that isn't bad enough, I feel as though I'm losing a friend that I've been close to the past year. I'm having difficulty with my life right now. I'm not a happy camper, and I think it's because I've literally run all the energy out of me with having these kids. I've lost me. And the only one who can find me is me. I feel that a big part of finding me is letting out all of the frustrations and venting so I can let it go and try to continue on. Yet I feel as though I can no long vent to those that I have been for the past year to few years. I find this difficult because I no longer have an outlet... I need an outlet, need to find one that will be productive and do what I need it to do. But I don't know where to start to look for the right kind of outlet for me. Blech...
Tomorrow, we will try something different for potty training, 1-2 minutes on 10 minutes off rinse and repeat.
I haven't really had a good weekend. I've had a migraine the entire weekend, my patience has been nothing, I've hardly gotten any sleep, and now aunt flow is trying to make her monthly visit. This weekend could be a lot better to say the least. If that isn't bad enough, I feel as though I'm losing a friend that I've been close to the past year. I'm having difficulty with my life right now. I'm not a happy camper, and I think it's because I've literally run all the energy out of me with having these kids. I've lost me. And the only one who can find me is me. I feel that a big part of finding me is letting out all of the frustrations and venting so I can let it go and try to continue on. Yet I feel as though I can no long vent to those that I have been for the past year to few years. I find this difficult because I no longer have an outlet... I need an outlet, need to find one that will be productive and do what I need it to do. But I don't know where to start to look for the right kind of outlet for me. Blech...
Tomorrow, we will try something different for potty training, 1-2 minutes on 10 minutes off rinse and repeat.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Broken Bones = Broken Promises
Howdy Neighbors!
So this evening my little Fefe (aka Felicity) broke her arm. Not 20 minutes after we yelled at her brother for climbing over the arm of the couch she's doing it and falls and gets a buckle break. When you throw your arms out to catch you and your bone "buckles" under the pressure and weight of the fall. My poor baby. She is the first one with a broken bone. I've failed from keeping my little one safe. Now I understand people break bones, it happens, it's a part of life and we all heal. But still no parent wants their kid hurt. I took her to the ER thinking it's probably just badly brusied at most maybe a slight fracture, (which the nurse was like "well a fracture is a break" which is true but still doesn't seem as serious) to come to be told no she broke her arm and them come back after reading the films saying it's a buckle break.
Felicity didn't sleep at all today, so once we decided we needed to take her to the er she falls asleep almost as soon as the car starts moving
We get there and she's progressively getting happier and happier. Once she gets her soft cast/splint (I think he called it a sugar tong) she's in full play mode.
Needless to say, everyone thought she was just too cute and funny! And surprised that this happy little girl has a broken arm. We get home about 3 hours later she eats dinner and now is curled up on the couch watching Tinkerbell (or how she likes to say it "think-er-ell") The Lost Treasure.
Well I'm off to clean up a bloody nose and then cuddle with my little itty bitty aka Fefe aka Felicity until she falls asleep. Tomorrow POTTY TRAING YAY we will have a good weekend we will have a good weekend we will have a good weekend we will dammit we will!
So this evening my little Fefe (aka Felicity) broke her arm. Not 20 minutes after we yelled at her brother for climbing over the arm of the couch she's doing it and falls and gets a buckle break. When you throw your arms out to catch you and your bone "buckles" under the pressure and weight of the fall. My poor baby. She is the first one with a broken bone. I've failed from keeping my little one safe. Now I understand people break bones, it happens, it's a part of life and we all heal. But still no parent wants their kid hurt. I took her to the ER thinking it's probably just badly brusied at most maybe a slight fracture, (which the nurse was like "well a fracture is a break" which is true but still doesn't seem as serious) to come to be told no she broke her arm and them come back after reading the films saying it's a buckle break.
Felicity didn't sleep at all today, so once we decided we needed to take her to the er she falls asleep almost as soon as the car starts moving
We get there and she's progressively getting happier and happier. Once she gets her soft cast/splint (I think he called it a sugar tong) she's in full play mode.
Needless to say, everyone thought she was just too cute and funny! And surprised that this happy little girl has a broken arm. We get home about 3 hours later she eats dinner and now is curled up on the couch watching Tinkerbell (or how she likes to say it "think-er-ell") The Lost Treasure.
Well I'm off to clean up a bloody nose and then cuddle with my little itty bitty aka Fefe aka Felicity until she falls asleep. Tomorrow POTTY TRAING YAY we will have a good weekend we will have a good weekend we will have a good weekend we will dammit we will!
So I shatter my iPone once again, but this time it's the front panel (aka the screen) and dreading the replacement fee I back up my phone and then take it in to the apple store and to much my surprise because it is the first time there was an issue with the front panel they would WAIVE the replacement fee! HOW excited was I???????? ESTATIC! Fast forward to today. I go to sign onto my WOW (yes I play world of warcraft don't judge me) account and I go to pull up the authenticator on the new phone (not realizing that it's not only conntected to my phone number as well as a serial number on the phone and on the authenticator application) and come to find out that I can't use it because the serial numbers now don't match up and blah blah blah. SO I go to my account via the web to see what I have to do to remove the old authenticator and attach a new authenticator and I can't do that because I need to email (using their email form) them with an attached file of a government issued ID. SO Now I have to scan my ID (mind you I do not have a scanner) make sure it's passes the size requirements along with stating the issue i'm having with the authenticator before I can have them verify I am who I am and remove the odl authenticator so I can put the new authenticator on before I can sign into my account.... Too much work to do for a game right now.........
Oh and btw I have to rescan all of the movies that I had cataloged in my phone (over 600 already cataloged) ... I just have to keep reminding myself that at least I didn't have to spend a 200 replacement fee at least I didn't have to pay the replacment fee if I repeat it over and over maybe all this extra work will be ok.
How excited was I about that??? ESTATIC!!!!please excuse my lotion needing hand!!!I LOVE it. I've been eyeing it for the past year, and talking with it with a couple of my friends and even mentioned it to craig here and there saying I love this ring and that I want it. Well finally I decided to bite the bullet and just get it and I must say it couldn't have come at a better time to lift my spirits (even if it is just something pretty for me to have on my finger) the smallest of amounts.
WE were going to start the 3 day potty training guide today, but because I hadn't slept in like 50-60 hours I decided to sleep today and we will start it on saturday (tomorrow) and I'll just do day 3 by myself since craig has to go back to work on monday. I"m nervous but hopefully they will get it fast and we wont have anymore pull ups or soakings or whatever (I do realize accidents happen, but it wont be EVERYTIME)
My head is killing me. I've taken excedrin to try to curb this constant feeling of my head wanting to explode but it's not working. I think I'll go lay down for just a few minutes longer before it's time to start cooking dinner.
More to come later.
Oh and btw I have to rescan all of the movies that I had cataloged in my phone (over 600 already cataloged) ... I just have to keep reminding myself that at least I didn't have to spend a 200 replacement fee at least I didn't have to pay the replacment fee if I repeat it over and over maybe all this extra work will be ok.
How excited was I about that??? ESTATIC!!!!please excuse my lotion needing hand!!!I LOVE it. I've been eyeing it for the past year, and talking with it with a couple of my friends and even mentioned it to craig here and there saying I love this ring and that I want it. Well finally I decided to bite the bullet and just get it and I must say it couldn't have come at a better time to lift my spirits (even if it is just something pretty for me to have on my finger) the smallest of amounts.
WE were going to start the 3 day potty training guide today, but because I hadn't slept in like 50-60 hours I decided to sleep today and we will start it on saturday (tomorrow) and I'll just do day 3 by myself since craig has to go back to work on monday. I"m nervous but hopefully they will get it fast and we wont have anymore pull ups or soakings or whatever (I do realize accidents happen, but it wont be EVERYTIME)
My head is killing me. I've taken excedrin to try to curb this constant feeling of my head wanting to explode but it's not working. I think I'll go lay down for just a few minutes longer before it's time to start cooking dinner.
More to come later.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Fiona is so wonderful
So the late teens to early twenties I can say that I listened to a buttload of Fiona Apple. In fact, I STILL do till this day. Almost every time (99.9999999999%) of the time that a song of her comes on my playlist or on the radio or whatever I have to listen to her and I hope another comes on right after. I'd love to see her live. I need to finish buying her albums. It's 2:18am and I just closed out of youtube, from watching her movies, and I said I would go to bed over an hour ago, and here I am still wanting to listen to MORE. "Please sir, can I have some more?" Ugh tomorrow, no scratch that, TODAY is going to be hell! We have well baby appointments starting at 730 am for the two year olds. So we get to break our hearts today by making two two year olds cry by having them get their shots. The second child has their appointment at 10 (hopefully they will see them together since it's the same doctor) Also I need to make the older girls 4 year check ups and booster shots appoint along with the school physical check up I guess I should get that taken care of since I'm praying they get into pre K. Then I have a personal appointment at 1:30. I'm hoping that all of our appointments go well. It's been so long since I've had this type of appointment that I'm nervous, don't really know why, i mean we are just gonna talk, no big deal, I guess it's because I dunno what I'm gonna say. "Hey Doc! so people tell me I should talk to ya so here I am. Wassssuuuuuuppppppp? (said like in the commercial, No? Fine I won't do that) Anyways, I guess I should go to bed now....
Here Is A Little Something For Your Listening Pleasure!
Here Is A Little Something For Your Listening Pleasure!
long time no blog
It's been a helluva long time since I've been on here. I've been extremely "busy" with life and lack thereof.
The Kids - The babies are no longer babies, they are 2 years old and in pull ups. Please ignore that loud ripping sound in the background it's only my heart. This is a bitter sweet phase of childhood right now. They are 100% no longer babies which is nice in the fact that we are potty training (NO MORE DIAPERS SOON HUURAAAAH!!!!) but I no longer have the tiny cute babies to hold and cuddle and say awww look at the widdle baby! And I never again will have a little baby. As most of you know after having my second set of twins (which was my third pregnancy of twins)I got my tubes tied while I was under the kinife to pull out the second set. I understand my decision at the time and I agree with it, but I do also regret it. This is huge. I don't regret anything in my life because the choices that I have made in my life have lead me to where I am today, not too shabby if I say so myself. But completely cutting out the option to possibly get preggo again is a bit harsh on a females psyche. I regret it and I think I will regret it to the day I die. oh wait this is supposed to be about the kids lol lets get back on track. The older ones will be 4 in less than a month. LESS THAN A MONTH!!!! OMG... They have been pre-registered for prek. We are STILL potty training them. (SHOOT ME NOW) Craig is taking off on friday and c ome hell or high water those two are finishing their potty training this weekend I swear to god I will not leave this weekend unless they are in bed or they are finished being potty trained! Then next weekend is a long holiday weekend and Craig has off again so the babies will be fully potty trained then. That is the goal. That is what will happen (and if it doesn't it doesn't but at least I have a goal and a plan)
The Hubs - The hubs is the hubs. That is all.
Me - I'm ok. I'm overwhelmed with housework. It's never ending and when having 4 toddlers in the house, it's nearly impossible to keep food off of the floor and now it's ANT season. *heavy sighs* I"m combatting ants with 4 toddlers. With no help. Who is doing all the cleaning? Me. Who is doing the laundry? Me. Who is picking up the toys? Me. Who is vaccuuming? Me. Who is cleaning the bathrooms? Me. Who is doing the sweeping? Me. Who is going to mop? Me. Who is going to scrub the walls? Me. Who is going to clean all the bedrooms? Me. Who is going insane? Me. *breaks into hysterical crying fit of rage* Evidently I've been spiralling into a depression. And close ones have brought it to my attention that I need help. Professional help. And on one hand I agree with them. Yet on the other hand I wanna say "you don't KNOW what it's like. You don't know what it's like to have 4 toddlers close in age and you are the only one there throughout the day day in and day out, you don't know what it's like to try to keep up with the housework, you don't know what it's like to be married to a person who doesn't talk (about ANYTHING) you don't realize that me venting or running away on various nights to hang out with "you" (being the few people that I run to hang out with) is how I'm dealing with the stress of having the two sets of twins who take everything I do and ruin it, the stress of being in a relationship where my partner starves me of communication, the stress of the day in and day out responsibilities that I took on 4 years ago." Yes I need help. I NEED my kids to be potty trained and to pick up their toys, I NEED to not be the only one cleaning, I NEED communications more than "How was your day" small talk in my life, I NEED a vacation from the bullshit. And now it just seems like I'm whining about my life.
I love my kids, I love my husband, I love my family, and I love my friends. I'm just done sometimes. I need to be lulled. I need some calm, soothing. It's not me losing control, I'm very much in control. I just need the bullshit to stop. So to ease the minds of my friends and family I've made an appointment to speak to someone. (we will see how that goes, because it has been so VERY helpful in the past *note the sarcasm*)
Well I'm off to vaccuum the friggin living room because hey no one else will do it so might as well be me.
The Kids - The babies are no longer babies, they are 2 years old and in pull ups. Please ignore that loud ripping sound in the background it's only my heart. This is a bitter sweet phase of childhood right now. They are 100% no longer babies which is nice in the fact that we are potty training (NO MORE DIAPERS SOON HUURAAAAH!!!!) but I no longer have the tiny cute babies to hold and cuddle and say awww look at the widdle baby! And I never again will have a little baby. As most of you know after having my second set of twins (which was my third pregnancy of twins)I got my tubes tied while I was under the kinife to pull out the second set. I understand my decision at the time and I agree with it, but I do also regret it. This is huge. I don't regret anything in my life because the choices that I have made in my life have lead me to where I am today, not too shabby if I say so myself. But completely cutting out the option to possibly get preggo again is a bit harsh on a females psyche. I regret it and I think I will regret it to the day I die. oh wait this is supposed to be about the kids lol lets get back on track. The older ones will be 4 in less than a month. LESS THAN A MONTH!!!! OMG... They have been pre-registered for prek. We are STILL potty training them. (SHOOT ME NOW) Craig is taking off on friday and c ome hell or high water those two are finishing their potty training this weekend I swear to god I will not leave this weekend unless they are in bed or they are finished being potty trained! Then next weekend is a long holiday weekend and Craig has off again so the babies will be fully potty trained then. That is the goal. That is what will happen (and if it doesn't it doesn't but at least I have a goal and a plan)
The Hubs - The hubs is the hubs. That is all.
Me - I'm ok. I'm overwhelmed with housework. It's never ending and when having 4 toddlers in the house, it's nearly impossible to keep food off of the floor and now it's ANT season. *heavy sighs* I"m combatting ants with 4 toddlers. With no help. Who is doing all the cleaning? Me. Who is doing the laundry? Me. Who is picking up the toys? Me. Who is vaccuuming? Me. Who is cleaning the bathrooms? Me. Who is doing the sweeping? Me. Who is going to mop? Me. Who is going to scrub the walls? Me. Who is going to clean all the bedrooms? Me. Who is going insane? Me. *breaks into hysterical crying fit of rage* Evidently I've been spiralling into a depression. And close ones have brought it to my attention that I need help. Professional help. And on one hand I agree with them. Yet on the other hand I wanna say "you don't KNOW what it's like. You don't know what it's like to have 4 toddlers close in age and you are the only one there throughout the day day in and day out, you don't know what it's like to try to keep up with the housework, you don't know what it's like to be married to a person who doesn't talk (about ANYTHING) you don't realize that me venting or running away on various nights to hang out with "you" (being the few people that I run to hang out with) is how I'm dealing with the stress of having the two sets of twins who take everything I do and ruin it, the stress of being in a relationship where my partner starves me of communication, the stress of the day in and day out responsibilities that I took on 4 years ago." Yes I need help. I NEED my kids to be potty trained and to pick up their toys, I NEED to not be the only one cleaning, I NEED communications more than "How was your day" small talk in my life, I NEED a vacation from the bullshit. And now it just seems like I'm whining about my life.
I love my kids, I love my husband, I love my family, and I love my friends. I'm just done sometimes. I need to be lulled. I need some calm, soothing. It's not me losing control, I'm very much in control. I just need the bullshit to stop. So to ease the minds of my friends and family I've made an appointment to speak to someone. (we will see how that goes, because it has been so VERY helpful in the past *note the sarcasm*)
Well I'm off to vaccuum the friggin living room because hey no one else will do it so might as well be me.
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