The Crazies that are the Greens- and me their mom.

A blog about the adventures of being a mom with two sets of twins 20 months apart. Oh yeah, and the randomness that is me - their mom. So welcome, and enjoy the ride.

Monday, October 10, 2011

All followers and others!!!!

Please take a moment and go to and click follow! This is my online shop's blog which I'm getting started up while working on setting up everything for my online shop! Any kind of information regarding deals/sales/promos will be kept here along with my fun loving stories dealing with anything shop related!

So please check it out and follow it!


Thursday, October 6, 2011

not much to say but gonna say it anyways! 8.8 lbs lighter in a week!

Hey everyone that is surfing blogger land! I don't really have much to talk about today... But here it goes!

If you've been following my online journal (aka this) you know that my hubs has taken the week off from work because of my shoulder. Well my shoulder is doing better (still not a 100%) and he went out to play at his soccer game last night. No biggy, or so I thought. As I was cooking dinner, I left the kids to play in the living room with a show on if they so chose to watch it (and I assure you they didn't) my kids were creating mayhem in the dining room!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO all my left over coupons (yes I'm trying to get more into couponing to save money for my lovely twin tornadoes x2) all the clothes strewn on the table, trash everywhere, I about went into a panic cry, but alas I caught my breath got my phone and snapped a pic to send to Craig...

He thinks this is just the greatest thing he has ever done!

At least the Living room as been cleaned and vacuumed now. Working on this disaster later on in the day.

So I started this weight loss stuff last Thursday September 29, 2011, and now that the first week is over, I'm 8.8lbs lighter. I know that my timeline may be a little confusing but the diet doesn't really start on the first couple of days.  Anyways, I'm proud of this. I must continue! I shouldn't really call it a diet because overall it's a lifestyle change this is just the dieting portion of it.

Time to whip something up for lunch and drink some water, I'm parched.

Did  I mention how exciting I got my replacement Dexter disk from netflix!!!!!!!!!! ooooo can't wait to start that!

Till next time!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Day 3 of blogging

Ok so here goes...

Day three of blogging trying to keep the groove going... I've lost another 1.5 lbs which is nice... I was really tired this morning but after a 5 hour energy shot and a shower I'm doing a little bit better...

had a couple ounces of chicken, now I'm waiting for my vadallia onion to be finished in the oven so I can make the french onion soup! mouth is watering for it!!!!!!!

I love my kids to death but they are driving my husband up the wall andhe's starting not to feel well which is no bueno.

I have to test this new pattern for my friend which is always exciting so I'm gonna do that now :)

LOL short and sweet till next time

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Day two of my journey!

So I woke up today and stepped on the scale and guess what another 1.5lbs. shed. We will see if this is just water weight or if it's truly weight loss. I need to stick with it. I found out yesterday that were were mixed reviews about chewing the sugarfree gum that I was all day yesterday to help get over cravings and so I'm just going to omit it and work on my willpower and control these nasty cravings. I know I'm an emotional eater and a eater out of habit and not out of necesity and this is what I have to work on breaking my eating habits. Only eating my body to fuel it and fueling it with healthy calories instead of garbage. I'm trying to picture everything that I want to eat (out of addiction to fatty/salty/crap food) as garbage, saying it has mold on it or that it has poo on it. Try saying "ew" everytime I see something that isn't healthy for me and then I curse at the TV (at the gym) or the magizine i'm looking at or the resturant for showing/producing such yummy yet icky food.

I love that my hubs is off this week it's giving me extra time to really take stock and try to get back into working out and work on my business.

My shoulder is still messing up. I have a child in my lap who is leaning against my arm while I'm typing and it's just KILLING my shoulder.

Till next time.


Monday, October 3, 2011

ZOMG WHAT!?!?!?!?!!!

LOL Hey everyone! I know it's been awhile, and I really have no excuse. I fail at blogging LOL BUT I have made a pact with myself that I will type a blog once a day from now to the end of october to try to get me in the habit of writing.

First off I would like to say that I hope everyone is doing well out in blogger-land.

Let's see what all is going on... My folks found a Bunkbed/seperate beds/ futon com bo bed for really cheap made out of solid wood excellent quality and I told then to pounce on it! so we now have one for the kids super excited, and hopefully they can come up for Halloween and bring it but we aren't sure of that yet. Have I mentioned my parents are awesome? Love them.

The kids are doing well. The older are in afternoon Pre-K and doing very well in that. They love school and hate when they have to leave when I come pick them up. The babies are not babies anymore and so that makes me a little sad but I'm super happy that they are becoming more and more selfsufficient. (Baby fever still strikes me at times, yea yea call me crazy I know)

The Hubs is doing well and actually took leave this week due to me having issues with my shoulder, neck, chest, arm and so forth.

Me, well lets see, I've already had my first cold due to the fall season. I have a massive muscle spasm going on in my shoulder and it's spreading to surrounding areas, so I had to go the ER and that was one big Fiasco! At least they gave me a couple days would of relaxers and pain relievers, but I'll need to go to the dr to get more... hopefully... Um, whatelse, oh yeah, I've started this diet program that will help me retrain my body to eat well and burn off this fat. And yes I'll be going through the transformation on here. I don't have a video camera so I can't do the vblogs that people do but oh well... I've lost 2 lbs! that's exciting!

Starting weight 239.8lbs
Todays weight 237lbs

Today is day 4 of the progam. We will see how I do. My goal is to be 135 lbs, by September 24, 2011. Then to have skin removal surgery. I know that some of it will shrink up when I lose weight but due to the dual twin pregnancies the rapid weight gain, loss, and gain then skin is lost some of it's elasticity. And that's to be expected.

I'm asking for all negative people to keep your comments to yourself and I ask for all the positive feedback as you all can give! I have horrible willpower and need all the support I can get! I have talked to my Doctor and I'm ok for doing what I'm doing. The first 30-40 days are gonna be the hardest so please help me along.

Well I'm off to get a new food scale! Everyone have a fantastic day!!!