The Crazies that are the Greens- and me their mom.

A blog about the adventures of being a mom with two sets of twins 20 months apart. Oh yeah, and the randomness that is me - their mom. So welcome, and enjoy the ride.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Day two of my journey!

So I woke up today and stepped on the scale and guess what another 1.5lbs. shed. We will see if this is just water weight or if it's truly weight loss. I need to stick with it. I found out yesterday that were were mixed reviews about chewing the sugarfree gum that I was all day yesterday to help get over cravings and so I'm just going to omit it and work on my willpower and control these nasty cravings. I know I'm an emotional eater and a eater out of habit and not out of necesity and this is what I have to work on breaking my eating habits. Only eating my body to fuel it and fueling it with healthy calories instead of garbage. I'm trying to picture everything that I want to eat (out of addiction to fatty/salty/crap food) as garbage, saying it has mold on it or that it has poo on it. Try saying "ew" everytime I see something that isn't healthy for me and then I curse at the TV (at the gym) or the magizine i'm looking at or the resturant for showing/producing such yummy yet icky food.

I love that my hubs is off this week it's giving me extra time to really take stock and try to get back into working out and work on my business.

My shoulder is still messing up. I have a child in my lap who is leaning against my arm while I'm typing and it's just KILLING my shoulder.

Till next time.


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