The Crazies that are the Greens- and me their mom.

A blog about the adventures of being a mom with two sets of twins 20 months apart. Oh yeah, and the randomness that is me - their mom. So welcome, and enjoy the ride.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011



  1. I can't stand this song! AHHHH!!! This song found me many years later. Ok back story. I worked at Bath & Body Works many many years ago and we had to play this song ALL the time when Coconut Lime Verbena was introduced as the new scent. Just listening to this day in and day out was annoying. Though funny enough I was always singing along to it haha. Thanks for the scare.

  2. LOL sorry for scaring you! I am needing a very much needed vacation! And this song just makes me want to have a cocktail on a cool soft breezy moonlit beach night with a dance floor there and bar with no cares in the world! LOL
