The Crazies that are the Greens- and me their mom.

A blog about the adventures of being a mom with two sets of twins 20 months apart. Oh yeah, and the randomness that is me - their mom. So welcome, and enjoy the ride.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Memorial weekend

This weekend is memorial weekend, as I hope all of you would know, and since it's a holiday weekend with the holiday falling on a Monday, the husband has a 4 day weekend! So we decided it was time to stop delaying and postponing and procrastinating the potty training for the 3year old twins (almost 4 year olds). I don't have the mentality to deal with all the accidents. I'm glad Craig is a more patient person than I. He's been great with the kids for 99.5% of the time. He's calm and understanding and explains things a lot better than I do. I'm very thankful for him, especially during this time.
I haven't really had a good weekend. I've had a migraine the entire weekend, my patience has been nothing, I've hardly gotten any sleep, and now aunt flow is trying to make her monthly visit. This weekend could be a lot better to say the least. If that isn't bad enough, I feel as though I'm losing a friend that I've been close to the past year. I'm having difficulty with my life right now. I'm not a happy camper, and I think it's because I've literally run all the energy out of me with having these kids. I've lost me. And the only one who can find me is me. I feel that a big part of finding me is letting out all of the frustrations and venting so I can let it go and try to continue on. Yet I feel as though I can no long vent to those that I have been for the past year to few years. I find this difficult because I no longer have an outlet... I need an outlet, need to find one that will be productive and do what I need it to do. But I don't know where to start to look for the right kind of outlet for me. Blech...
Tomorrow, we will try something different for potty training, 1-2 minutes on 10 minutes off rinse and repeat.

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